Sunday, November 16, 2008

This is a bit of a rant.

I'm all for positive publicity for steroids. I really don't think they should be illegal. Most of the people that take them are gym rats that want to improve their physiques. How is that any different than things like liposuction or boob jobs or even LASIK eye surgery (all of which are legal)?

The responsible use of them can IMPROVE many aging men's health. It's the idiots that jump right into it without researching that give steroids a bad rap. Anything abused has it's consequences. Why is it that women can have birth control pills which are estrogen but things like testosterone replacement therapy are heavily frowned upon in the medical community?

Anyway, the reason I've decided to post this is because I DON'T think is promoting steroids in the right way.

First of all, I think the title is misleading. This kid was not dieing of atrophy or had some wasting disease like Rhabdomyolysis. He was just skinny and self concious about it!

He also CLEARLY never heavily researched and tried eating right and exercising (primarily lifting weights). He talks about how he only eats fast food twice a day and averaged about 1300 calories before starting steroids.


Anybody whose contemplating steroids better DAMN sure have spot on training and nutrition. They also should have done it right for a WHILE.

There's no doubt in my mind that if he ate a lot of the right foods and had some one guide him in the weight room that he could've made the gains he's making right now. Sure, it might be a bit slower but at least he didn't jump right into steroids!

It's also clear that he's not injecting. He's using an oral steroid which are notorious for being harsh on the liver and delivering gains that are hard to keep. He would've been much better off injecting testosterone for his first cycle.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

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