Friday, November 21, 2008

Night Hydration

It's common knowledge that water makes up some 70% or more of muscle tissue. It's also known that with increased protein intake comes an increased need for water due to more production of the waste product, urea, by the kidneys that needs to be excreted. Due to these two things, you frequently see bodybuilders walking around with a gallon's worth of water.

Drinking a lot of water will force you to wake up a couple times during the night to urinate though. This can be annoying and some think it will have a detrimental effect by disrupting sleep patterns so they taper off their water as bed time grows closer.

I've done the same in the past.

On the flip side, however, I've been wondering recently if the dehyration seen after an 8+ hour fast would be worse for the bodybuilder than slightly disrupted sleep. I never have a problem going back to sleep anyway.

So recently I've been increasing my water intake before bed to see if I noticed any difference in muscle growth or well being etc.

I wake up more times during the night to urinate naturally but it seems like I'm more energetic in the mornings now and it doesn't take as long to get going.

I don't think it's been long enough to report better muscle gains using this method but I think I may be on to something.

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