Monday, November 3, 2008

How I Stay Focused

Something I picked up a few years ago sticks with me as something I do everyday to ensure that I continue to progress towards my goals.

That something is a having a "Goal Sheet." It is essentially just a piece of paper or a word document that you write your goals down on. Make them as specific as possible and read them at least once a day. I start off everyday reading it and I end everyday reading it. Reading it before training would be a good idea as well.

This makes your goals more concrete. They are now down on paper and official. It also forces you to think about EXACTLY what you want. The more specific you can be, the more powerful the drive to succeed will be.

I also include on this sheet a list of motivation quotes or sayings from other people or myself that get me going. Whenever I get the chance, I'll repeat certain phrases to myself. It's the power of positive thinking. No mental programming in this way is lost. It's cumulative. You're literally building yourself up.

I wholeheartedly believe that this is one of the major reasons that I'm as motivated and driven as I am. I just won't stand for wasted time.

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