Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Personalities of the Successful

I was in my biology lecture today when my professor talked about how our experiences and view of the world shapes our personality. It got me thinking, what similarities in personality do the most sucessful people have?

I came up with this list:

1. Sucessful people are optimistic.
Try to anticipate the great events of the future instead of dreading potential stress. All worrying about stress will do is add to its weight if it does happen and it's completely useless if it doesn't.

I choose to see the world in it's best light because I truly believe that God created quite a wonderful thing. Why pick out the tragedies and flaws constantly? All it does is put people in a negative state of mind. This is why I don't watch the news anymore.

See the good not only in every current situation but EXPECT it in the future.

2. Successful people offer something unique.
Ghandi approached his problems without violence. Martin Luther King was a black leader with good credibility and great speaking skills. Arnold Schwarzenneger was the first BIG movie star.

Every successful person has been innovative and unique. They tend to think outside the box and are NOT afraid of being themselves.

You can NEVER be anyone but yourself. So embrace it and use your strengths to the best of your ability.

3. Successful people are passionate.
I think it goes without saying that Ghandi and Matrin Luther King were passionate about their respective causes. Arnold was also very passionate about bodybuilding is is arguably the best ambassador the sport has ever had.

Being passionate about what you do makes things a lot easier when it comes time to sacrafice. It's MUCH easier to persevere when you can't imagine life without something.

4. Successful people are risk takers.
If you never take risks you'll probably never get anywhere in life. Ghandi decided to fast until agreements were made in India. Had the agreements taken longer he could have died - but he gave them incentive to make them!

Arnold took a gamble when he decided to move to the US. Could he make it over here?

5. Successful people are decisive.
The greatest of the great make decisions easily and quickly and then BELIEVE in them and make sure they get carried out. They don't waste time worrying (see point #1) and have a level of certainty and confidence that enhances their lives.

2 comments: said...

You are an amazing writer. You must have taken classes in expressive writing. I spend alot of time just trying to write one article (for my store - bodybuilding and health).
If I could afford it I would pay you to write for me!

I sometimes get so involved in a particular activity and I forget to set my priorities. This article reminded me of that.

Keep up the great writings. You really have a talent and a unique perspective on life!

Unknown said...

Hello there .... I don't know what made you write the name of your blog as " Dairy of a Mad Man".... I think it should have been something like " Dairy of a Wise Man "..... nice write up.. kinda motivational, I don't know why but I wanna thank you for the write up... God Bless you.. something inside of me says that you will go places...Good Luck