Thursday, September 18, 2008

Slave to Time?

It seems to me that, more and more, I'm becoming a slave to the clock.

I'm always aware of what time it is. I have a client at 4:00, a meal at 5:00 and a meeting at 6:00. I MUST be productive as possible and it's unprofessional to show up late.

Sure, on the exterior it doesn't seem like a bad thing but the problem is I never get a chance to relax.

See, I have the tendency to take on more than I can handle. I like to have a "To Do" list for the day so I can scratch off things as I go.

But once I scratch off that last thing one of two things happens:

1. I don't know what to do with myself and become bored very quickly
2. I start thinking of more things to do

I often find myself doing #2 while I'm doing other things too. This makes for a lack of concentration on the task at hand.

So I need to do 2 things.

First, I need to learn how to relax.

Second, I need to start doing that which I actually WANT to do. If I actually want to study, I won't be thinking about the weekend while I'm doing it. If I actually want to make a program for a client, I will do just that much better of a job.

I thought I'd write this out because I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem - especially in the community of bodybuilding.

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