Saturday, September 6, 2008


It's amazing how brain washed people have become about "overtraining."

Laziness I say.

The body can adapt to damn near ANYTHING. There's a reason why 99% of top pro bodybuilders use volume. It WORKS.

And who's to say he taking ever set to failure? That plays a huge role as well.

I believe Layne Norton (a natural guru himself) has touted the benefits of building up your work capacity. He has been questioned numerous times for his volume and HIIT cardio that he does in the offseason and has responded with the fact that the body is an adaptive MACHINE.

I'm currently training high volume and making great gains. All lifts are going up every week. I have clients on high volume routines are well that are making great strength/size gains.

People forget that part of gaining strength is neurological. The more you practice a lift, the stronger you become at it. The stronger you become at it, the more microtrauma you can create.

Is it for everyone? Of course not! But neither is low volume! You will never know unless you try it though.

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