Friday, September 19, 2008

Do you REALLY learn in school?

Today is the information age. As such, we are constantly bombarded with information from recipes (Food Channel) to home remedies for various ailments (WebMD) to exact maps to our desired destination (MapQuest). This happens so much so that we have to be careful what we listen to and what we tune out.

You don't want to click on the pop that tells you you've just won a free gift certificate to Wal-Mart EVERY TIME.

The point is, most people seem to do their learning either via personal experience or via the internet nowadays. It seem that universities are just certification bodies that give you a piece of paper showing that you acquired some knowledge.

They used to have a monopoly on knowledge. Now it's everywhere.

At the rate it's going, I suspect universities will be a thing of the past in the not-too-distant future.

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