Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Thoughts on The Palumbo Diet

I posted earlier that I decided to use the Palumbo Diet for an offseason "mini-diet." Now that it's over, here's what I think of it.

Energy levels - Arguably better than eating carbs. Once in ketosis, you don't get insulin swings and crashes or sugar highs. It's a very stable energy. That said, once you get down to a certain leanness, it doesn't matter what diet you're on. I'm about in that zone. Dave calls it the "Pain Zone."

Cost - This diet is CHEAP, which is a huge plus while in college. The most expensive thing is the one red meat meal each day. Tuna/chicken/turkey is cheap. Eggs are cheap. Oils are cheap and last FOREVER.

Satiety - I was only really hungry in the mornings. However, there is not a lot of options. You can eat meat, nuts and oils. That's about it. It can get pretty boring and it feels like you're eating VERY little.

The masochist in me likes it though.

Muscle Maintenance - I don't feel like I've lost any muscle. In fact, strength has been going up. I think the reason a lot of natural guys think this diet is bad for them is that they're flat all the time. Once you get used to that feeling, it's really not that bad.

The key though, is keeping cardio at a LOW intensity. I think Dave may be on to something with this - but that's another blog altogether.

I'm also glad I'm finally off all stimulants. It took me a lot longer than I would've liked after my contest. I normally don't use any caffeine in the offseason.

I leaned out VERY fast. Overall, I would do this diet again but I don't feel it should be necessary. If I was very fat, this diet would be AWESOME. Next mini-diet will not be a keto though. I'm too lean to not have a little carbs.

Here's what a typical day looked like:

9:30 - 2 whole omega 3 eggs, 1 cup eggbeaters, 12 fish oils
12:30 - 1.8 scoops whey/casein shake, 2 TBSP Natural PB
2:30 - 1.5 cans Tuna, 0.7oz Macadamia Nuts
4:30 - Same as above
6:30 - 7oz Top Round, 2 cups Spinach, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 TBSP Sesame Oil
8:30 - 1 whole omega 3 egg, 1 cup eggbeaters, 8 fish oils, 2 Evening Primeose Oils

This comes out to about 2100 calories, 290g protein, 20g carbs (8 fiber) and 110g fat.

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