Saturday, October 18, 2008


Pretty good workout today. My only complaint is the SLOW progress I'm making on the rack deads. I had to remind myself that an increase in reps with heavy weight is worth more than an increase in weight. In other words, if I progressed like this:

Last Time: 350 x 2 = 700lbs
This Time: 350 x 3 = 1050lbs

It's better than if I did:

Last Time: 350 x 2 = 700lbs
This Time: 370 x 2 = 740lbs

Now when you're doing something like lateral raises, where the working weight is much lower, the opposite applies. Doing more reps usually yields more progression. For example:

Last Time: 25 x 10 = 250lbs
This Time: 30 x 10 = 300lbs

As opposed to:

Last Time: 25 x 10 = 250lbs
This Time: 25 x 11 = 275lbs

Take this into account next time you're training!

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