Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Innate Desire

I have a good friend who has GREAT potential to be an awesome powerlifter.

Unfortunately, he lacks that extra something.

See, he wants to compete and get his diet in order and do everything that all the best powerlifters do. The problem is, he can't stick to anything. He drops out of meets, injures himself, falls off the wagon on diets etc. I can tell he really likes powerlifting but it seems to me that he doesn't do what it takes out of the gym to make his dreams reality.

Maybe he just can't remind himself just how bad he wants it when the diet gets tough. Or maybe he's afraid that he'll fail even if he does everything right.

At any rate, he's just going along for the ride when it comes to his life.

Champions MAKE time for what they need to do. Successful people often have crazy schedules of 12+ hours of work per day. They do it because they want that end result bad enough. They do it because they love it.

Champions take control of their lives. If they say they're going to do something, they do it - come hell or high water. This kind of mindset gives one confidence that their goals will indeed become reality - and if you can believe in yourself like that, NOTHING can stand in your way.

So I'm finding that only a select few have this burning innate desire to NEVER give up in the face of adversity just because they want something bad enough. Are you one of them?

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