Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Longer a Teen

At 5:19 today I officially turned 20.

The thing is, nothing happens at 20 besides the fact that you're no longer a teen. All the fun stuff happens at 21.

So my birthday was pretty uneventful, really. I just entertained my family by having them take me out to eat.

It was New York Strip Steak and Broccoli for me!

Good stuff though.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Things Everyone Should Experience

I've heard people say that everyone should experience running a marathon.

I'm sure it takes a lot of preparation and fortitude. Likewise, I've always thought that everyone should experience getting ready for a bodybuilding show. I'm sure bootcamp is another one.

But looking at things that aren't quite so...challenging, I think everyone should experience a college football game.

Today was the first game of the season for the Gators here in Gainesville. We KILLED the Hawaii Warriors 56 - 10 (they scored all their points after we put the 3rd string in).

You can literally FEEL excitement in the air. The passion for the sport is unreal. The school spirit is contagious.

It's like a 4th of July on steroids.

Good times.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Do what you love!

It's the first week of the semester and, now that I've gotten some of the general education stuff out of way, I'm starting to actually learn about stuff that I want to learn about!

Granted, I haven't really learned much of anything yet but the fact that I get to read about anatomy and nutrition excites me to no end.

It's that kind of excitement that makes excelling in school easy. It's that kind of drive that makes me get up before the sun to do cardio and adhere to a strict diet.

Day in and day out.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have a roommate who constantly worries about money. I tell him all the time it's really not worth it to worry about it (or anything for that matter).

Sure, being cautious about how you spend is definitely a smart idea but, it should be second nature. You shouldn't have to think about it all the time.

I never thought I'd meet anyone cheaper than my dad!

Anyway, it's always seemed to me that the people that have the most money seem to think about it the least. They don't view rich people as "evil" and simply let themselves deserve the money that they receive regularly.

"So you think money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?" --Ayn Rand

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you
love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you." --Maya Angelou

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Give Your Mom a Hug...Now!

Today marks the day 6 months have passed since Anthony 'Tony' Shafer died.

He was the son of one of the most remarkable people I know, Lana.

If you want to see what true strength is, read what she wrote on April 17th in his Guest book.

There is no love in this world like a mother has for her son. We as sons are sometimes annoyed by it but miss it like the sun misses the flower when it's suddenly gone. So take the time to let your own mom love you.

Stop taking each moment for granted. Appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So I just started the Fall semester here at UF yesterday.

I have been beating myself up about getting enough credits. See, as of right now I'm only taking 12 credits. I wanted to take at least 15 but every class I've tried to add has class on Fridays.

I need Fridays off to travel.

So I'm stuck here with the minimum amount of credits for a full-time student (12) and I feel lazy.

But then I redminded myself that my classes are getting harder and that if I can't get a class that fits, then maybe it isn't meant to be.

They say these are the best years of your life. I should be in no hurry to graduate.

So I'm gonna kick back, make some money and watch some football this semester.

THAT's the way college should be :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Ambitions

My goals in life include the following:

Earn a PhD.
Become a successful bodybuilder.
Become well-known for helping people with nutrition.
Be a good Christian.

That is a pretty vague idea but I have a more specific vision. I won't bore you with it though, because I know that it probably won't happen EXACTLY the way I want it to but that's OK.

Whatever happens, happens. It's God's will.

As a nutritionist, though, I will be taking a holistic approach to solving peoples' problems no matter what. It is what my current nutritionist does and I admire him for it.

The results I'm seeing are nothing short of amazing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


What's the longest you've held a grudge?

Personally, I can't make it past a day. I've tried for longer but I just feel miserable when I'm like that.

I don't get why anyone would want to hold a grudge. It's not like the person you're holding it against feels the same way. It's not like you're "getting back at them."

All you're doing is making yourself mad/frustrated/resentful or what have you.

And some people hold grudges FOR YEARS.


Learn to let go. They make the bumper sticker for a reason (shit happens).

Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mental Breakdowns?

In response to yesterday's blog some one told me they didn't believe that God never gives you what you can't handle because then "How do you explain mental breakdowns?"

Mental breakdowns occur when YOU breakdown because YOU believe that you can't handle a situation.

That doesn't mean that you actually can't handle it!

People don't realize their strength or potential. They really don't.

Know that it happened for a reason. Know that it can only make you stronger.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It seems like everyone has the tendency to recognize and "add up" all the bad things that happen within a day and just take the good stuff for granted. Don't get me wrong, I do it sometimes too.

Oh shit I got Paul's bike stolen, oh shit I had a bad workout, oh shit my family hates each other. I guess the world is coming to an end.

Nevermind the fact that I was able to get great deals on my school books or that I'm staying lean while seeing improvements in my chest and back or that I'm able to get some work!

See what I mean?

Life is going to throw it's punches at you. But it CAN'T and will NEVER break you.

You will only be broken when you consent to it. Don't look at these things as tragedies or even bad occurrences.

See them as opportunities to show your fortitude. View them as lessons and chances to succeed.

Everything happens for a reason. What can you learn from this? If nothing else, in the end, it will make you a stronger person.

"Whatever doesn't kill me, can only make me stronger."

God will never hand you something you can't handle. Period.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Key to Results

In my humble opinion, consistency is what separates the good from the great.

This applies not just to bodybuilding but to life in general as well.

What does it matter if you went the extra mile just one time? Will one time practicing more than usual help you win? Will one time studying a bit longer bring you the A?


It's the person that has it in them to CONSTANTLY practice harder, to ALWAYS study longer that becomes a great person.

So remember that next time you feel like calling it a day.

Do you want to be good?


Or do you want to be great?

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So I finally convinced my friend to do a posing session with me tomorrow. At first he turned me down because he said he was 10 weeks out and didn't look very good.

I told him that it shouldn't matter how far out he is, you can NEVER practice posing too much. I also assured him that I don't care what he looks like. I'm in my offseason!

That's how important it is.

How some guys can get away with not doing it is beyond me. I've done 3 shows now and have yet to be happy with my posing. Each time I thought I practiced a lot - just not during the offseason.

That changes this year.

To top it all off, the gym we train at has it's own posing room!

They are listed on Muscular Development's hardcore gym registry.

If you're ever in the area, come check them out. If you like bodybuilding, you won't be disappointed.

Maybe you can get in a quick posing session too :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


If I had to chose a quality that described a champion, this would have to be it. What champion was just "given" his accomplishments? What champion just waltzed all the way to the finish line?

I think this goes for more than just sporting situations as well. Perseverance in school, the work place or even at home pays off - big time.

We all have our struggles. It's what makes something worth doing.

Besides, it makes for a better story in the end :)

Keep on keeping on!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One of the positive thoughts that I repeatedly think to myself is this:

"Whatever happens, happens and cannot happen any other way. It is God's will that I know is best for me and I accept it - always."

Call it trust in the Lord or fate or whatever you want to call it.

Whether you had control of it or not there's no stopping the inevitable and no changing the past.

Along with that I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

But damn if fate isn't a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

Needless to say, my photo shoot here in San Diego was a disaster but I chose to see the positive side of it. I had a nice little vacation back "home" (almost) and learned a great deal for future shoots. The staff and service were all incredible and I hope they invite me back.

That said, if it doesn't happen, it was God's will and isn't meant for me. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

San Siego

70 miles of beaches with NO humidity?

Yes please!

Ahhh, I love California. I swear I'll move back here someday. Besides, what better place is there for bodybuilding?

I'm taking it all in and trying my best to enjoy one of my last vacations of my....summer vacation.

ANYWAY, it's time to go train at Gold's Gym San Diego :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Updated Site

The guys over at just updated their site!

They added two great new nutritionists, Franco Datillo and Joe Lyons.

On top of that, the released a great new squatting harness that my good friend Shelby Starnes developed. Shelby also did my diet for these last two shows.

Check them out!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Baby food is my god-send.

Sweet potatoes, Oatmeal with Pears, Hot Cereal with Raspberries?

Yes please.

And you can't beat the the consistency.

I'm a Gerber baby for life!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I grew up in California. To me, that is home.

But recently I've been to places (many places) that I'd love to call home. They just "feel" right. And the opportunites that await me there are awesome to say the least.

Because of this, I no longer feel at home in my current stomping grounds. To be honest, I don't think I ever did.

Don't get me wrong. I love Gainesville and I will be a Gator for life.

But the area and the people just don't "click" with me.

So moving to a place that feels like home with great opportunities is a no-brainer right?

But a risk is involved. In fact, it's a BIG risk but it's one that I feel to be worth it.

Andre Gide is quoted as saying, "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time."

Douglas McArthur said, "There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity."

And one of my favorites, Thoreau said "If a man is alive, there is always danger that he may die, though the danger must be allowed to be less in proportion as he is dead-and-alive to begin with. A man sits as many risks as he runs."

We'll see where God guides me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Faith (and a plug)

Sometimes even I find it hard to believe that everything happens for a reason. I truly do believe that BUT sometimes I just can't figure out what that reason is.

Like AJ Sims' placing at the Teen Nationals.

Or even just things like the World Trade Center a few years ago.

It's easy to see (for me at least) why certain people come into my life but it's the disappointments that make me wonder.

For example, Shawn Bean is in my life because he does EXACTLY what I want to do and knows how to take my physique to another level.

On the other hand, the collegiate nutrition that I was going to do with Troponin Nutrition didn't pan out and I'm struggling to figure out why.

Maybe I'm not meant to figure out why.

Or maybe it happened to teach me a lesson and I just don't want to admit it.

Regardless, I owe the people at a HUGE thank you for all the knowledge and guidance they have bestowed upon me. Nate Wolfe and Shelby Starnes especially have been very influential in my (short) bodybuilding career and continue to be to this day.

Check them out!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Nutritionist

There are few people in the world that you feel you a truly blessed to know.

Shawn Bean is one of those people for me. This guy is an incredibly humble, intelligent and nice human being. The man EXUDES knowledge about hormones, replacement therapy, nutrition, health and bodybuilding.

I met him a couple weeks ago at the Teen, Collegiate and Master's Nationals. Believe it or not, he was the nutritionist of my hero, AJ Sims.

Check him out at:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Hero

I've never had a hero in my entire life.

Until about 2 weeks ago.

See, 2 weeks ago I met a "kid" named AJ Sims. I had talked to him online before and knew he was a good guy but never did I think that I'd meet such an incredible person.

At 19 years of age AJ is by far the most mature, humble, generous and kind human being I have met to date. His family and support team is every bit as awesome as he is too. In fact, AJ introduced me to my current nutritionist (maybe I'll post about him tomorrow).

Oh yeah, he's a great teen bodybuilder to boot :)

Check him out at

Friday, August 1, 2008

The New Site is Live!

I'm so excited that I finally have a website! I've always wanted one and have been told by many that it is one of the best investments one can make.

The lovely Colette Nelson of did an AWESOME job. If you're contemplating getting your own. Hit her up!

So now you can see my appearances and updates in the news section of my site. You can also find contest prep either via or the Contact section of my site.

There is also a free gallery for all to enjoy.

If you can link my site or know some one that can, please do!