Saturday, February 14, 2009

Coffee Causes Liver Damage?

by Vicki Salemi

Sure, it's one of the most popular beverages in the country. Millions of people begin their day by consuming a morning cup of joe. In fact, a worldwide forecast has predicted 6.7 million metric tons of coffee will be produced in 2010 alone. This brewed beverage, prepared from roasted coffee beans, does have several negative health effects and addictive qualities. Heavy drinkers can start craving a caffeine fix, particularly when it's consumed in excess.
Liver damage:
If you don't think coffee is doing damage to your liver, think again. Zartarian explains, "Caffeine is broken down by the liver through the use of enzymes. The more these enzymes are involved in breaking down caffeine, the less available they are for breaking down other chemicals in the bloodstream. Excessive caffeine use, therefore, causes the liver to work less efficiently at its job of detoxifying the body." While one to two cups each day seems normal, anything above that amount may seem excessive. Experts recommend replacing those additional cups of coffee with water instead.

...Sorry mom!

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