Thursday, December 18, 2008


I've never been one to study for hours on end. With finals going on here at the University of Florida, it's a common site to see people up all night in the Library trying to make up for what they didn't keep up with.

When people ask me how I get the grades I do, the first thing I tell them is to go to class (which they never apply) but I think that my way of studying could be of benefit to other people as well.

Whenever possible, I try to read the material BEFORE class. When life gets in the way or I don't know what is going to be presented, I read it afterwards. This enhances my understanding and keeps me on top of things.

The other thing I do is study for about an hour maximum before the test. I find that anything beyond that is forced and I don't seem to retain it as well. So instead I'll frequently review for short periods of time.

I really think the lack of sleep alone hurts most more than it helps.

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