Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Everybody Else

"I can't eat the same food everybody else can or I gain weight"

You hear it all the time right?

But the majority of people in this country are fat! The truth is, this silent majority of people that can eat Micky D's and Krispey Kreme everyday and not get fat don't exist.

Do people REALLY think that "everybody else" can eat all these foods and not get fat, despite myriad evidence to the contrary in every city of the USA? It seems so obvious but I'd be lieing if I said that I didn't fall victim to this mindset in the past too.

Does the general populace really, genuinely think that everybody else can get away with eating crap and that they're somehow disadvantaged? Surely there's some kind of deep psychological explanation here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So....keto diets?

So it's been taught to me (twice now actually) that the human brain consumes about 120-130g of carbohydrates per day. All it is doing is thinking. That is about 50% of the carbohydrates that most people consume every day.

And it requires absolutely no activity.

So is a low carb diet - for bodybuilders or any type of active person - really a good idea?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Great Site

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Justin Harris Joins Team MD

Justin Harris started Troponin Nutrition. I have used two different nutritionist (Nate Wolfe and Shelby Starnes) for my contests.

I think Justin is a great addition to a magazine that seems to be cleaning up it's act lately.

Congrats to Justin!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Combining Cardio and Resistance Training is Contraindicated

A new study came out in the Journal of Applied Physiology that tested combining cardio and resistance training in the same session. They tried both doing cardio before lifting weights and cardio afterward.

What they found was that combining the two, whether you do it before or after, is terrible for hypertrophy.

Doing the cardio before decreased both IGF-1 and Mechano Growth Factor whereas doing it after increased genes for muscle tissue catabolism.

Weight training is a catabolic activity. It is creating microtrauma throughout the muscles trained. Combining it with another catabolic activity that promotes a lighter body is asking for catabolism.

I've suspected this for a while now. One of my old trainers was adamantly against the common notion of doing cardio after resistance exercise due to decreased glycogen in the muscles and increased utilization of free fatty acids.

Looks like that's not true.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Protein - Why the Hate?

It amazes me while I'm taking classes here at the University of Florida that books and professors denounce excess protein as something terribly dangerous. I've heard everything from too much protein will cause cancer to it destroying your kidneys, destroying your liver and making you fat.

I'm beginning to realize why so many people out there have poor body composition.

Protein is the most satiating nutrient that you can eat. This has been validated in numerous studies. Moreover, it's also the most thermogenic nutrient that you can eat. So while it has 4 kcal per gram like carbohydrates, much more energy is burnt off digesting protein as opposed to carbohydrate.

Then the government claims that the protein recommendations given at are for your average person. While I think they're too low still for a couch potato for some of the reasons I mentioned above, I would venture to guess that a VERY large percentage of the population now does some kind of exercise regularly.

So what about them?

It frustrates me because there hasn't been ANY studies on the safety of protein for your kidneys or health in general.

Seeing as how I've eaten a very high protein diet for 5+ years and am still very healthy, I say stop bashing it until you can PROVE otherwise. I'm not the only one. There are thousands and thousands of us on a very high protein diet.

So where are all the bodies?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Detour Bars Go Bankrupt

Oh no!

Even though these bars are basically a snickers bar with protein, I'm sad to see them go - especially because it's their suppliers fault.

They kept supplying peanuts that they knew were